Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New Doc Idea, "The Show Must Go On!!"

Today marks the day of an idea that may make local artists in Tallahassee, the biggest difference in Tallahassee's history. Yesterday I talked to my cousin and he told me some news that made my mission of a journalists/entrepreneur that much more urgent.

I'm not going to get into all the details about my personal/family matters but it wouldn't be fair if I wasn't honest and told you what really pushed me to this idea of an documentary.

With the FAMU Marching 100 Band being suspended indefinitely alumni, residents, workers and students are concerned about what the next steps are for entertainment during half-time in Tallahassee.  No band means some type of entertainment must replace it.

The goal of this documentary is to find answers about what should be the next steps for entertainment if the Marching 100 is suspended throughout the entire year.  This documentary will capture the emotions and soundbites of people who are prominent citizens in Tallahassee.

The documentary will answer questions like, how do you feel about high-school marching bands performing at half-time?  How do you feel about a Show-Time at the Apollo type of entertainment from local artists in Tallahassee at half-time (With Joe Bullard as the host)?  What do you think some of the positives/negatives from having local talent perform at half-time?

Tomorrow I will begin interviewing students in FAMU's School of Journalism and Graphic Communication to get their perspective on what the next steps should be.

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